Can I Use Clorox Wipes on My Guitar?

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Maintaining your guitar is crucial for preserving its sound and ensuring longevity. However, when it comes to cleaning your beloved instrument, not all methods are safe. One common question that arises is whether it’s acceptable to use Clorox wipes on a guitar.

Understanding Fretboard Materials

Different Woods, Different Care

The type of wood used for your guitar’s fretboard plays a significant role in determining the appropriate cleaning method. Let’s explore the specific needs of maple, rosewood, and ebony fretboards.

The Maple

Maple fretboards often come with a lacquer or polyester sealer. Using harsh chemicals like those found in Clorox wipes may not be the best choice for this type of fretboard.


Rosewood fretboards, known for their beauty, can benefit from a touch of lemon oil. However, caution is advised as lemon oil is toxic and should be used sparingly.


Ebony fretboards, with their dense composition, require less frequent maintenance. Learn why ebony is more resilient and how this affects your cleaning routine.

Expert Advice from the Community

Guitar enthusiasts often have valuable insights into maintaining their instruments. Let’s take a look at what experienced players recommend.

Lemon Oil Love

Some players swear by using lemon oil on their non-maple fretboards. Discover the benefits of this annual ritual and how it keeps fretboards in optimal condition.

The Ebony Exception

Learn why lemon oil is recommended for ebony fretboards and how the unique characteristics of dense woods impact maintenance.

Moisturizing Method

One user suggests an unconventional approach—using wipes but moisturizing afterward. Explore whether this method is a game-changer or a potential risk to your guitar.

DIY Fretboard Maintenance

Cleaning and treating your fretboard can be a simple DIY process if done correctly.

The Gentle Cleaning Approach

Discover the art of gently cleaning your fretboard using a soft dry microfiber cloth. Avoid common pitfalls to maintain the integrity of your guitar.

Mineral Oil Magic

Explore the benefits of using food-grade mineral oil to treat your fretboard. A cost-effective solution to keep your guitar in top shape.


In the intricate world of guitars, knowledge is power. Knowing how to care for your fretboard ensures a long and harmonious relationship with your instrument. The answer to whether you can use Clorox wipes on your guitar is a resounding no.


Can I use Clorox wipes on any type of fretboard?

No, Clorox wipes are not recommended for any fretboard material as they can damage the wood and compromise the integrity of your guitar.

How often should I clean my fretboard?

The frequency of cleaning depends on the type of wood. Maple fretboards may require less maintenance, while rosewood and ebony benefit from periodic care.

Is lemon oil safe for all fretboard types?

Lemon oil is generally safe for non-maple fretboards but should be avoided on maple. It’s crucial to be cautious due to its toxicity.

Can I use common household items for fretboard maintenance?

While household items like microfiber cloths are suitable for cleaning, it’s essential to use dedicated products like mineral oil for treating your fretboard.

What if I accidentally used Clorox wipes on my guitar?

If Clorox wipes have been used, consult a professional luthier immediately to assess and mitigate any potential damage.


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